Finally Get The Fulfilling Career You Deserve

Do you sometimes feel like you are operating on survival mode in your career, having a decent job but significantly lacking a sense of purpose and direction? Do you feel mentally exhausted and demotivated? You are not alone, and even if you think you are too confused or mentally exhausted to figure out what your next best step could look like, this course is for you. 

Thanks to this program, you will get to pause and ask yourself some tough questions, such as: "Who am I?", "Who am I truly meant to be in my professional life, besides what my environment has led me to believe about my potential?" and so much more.   

A the end of this course, you will have the clarity, confidence and sense of direction that will get you to build a career that is more aligned with your real interests and purpose. This foundational work will ultimately be the base of a more powerful and authentic personal brand, and attract more exciting career and/or business opportunities to your mailbox. Here is to your very own career fairy tale!

Meet your instructor

Candace Nkoth Bisseck has made it her mission to help impact and purpose -driven professionals to maximise their potential and fulfilment by leveraging leadership training, coaching, entrepreneurship and innovation. Since 2011, she  has : 

  • Contributed to the personal development of several thousand professionals
  • Facilitated workshops for employees and beneficiaries of organisations such as L'Oréal, Caterpillar and the African Leadership University
  • Advised and trained entrepreneurs for innovation programmes at institutions such as Stanford University and the Tony Enumelu Foundation
  • Led an e-commerce startup for the Jumia Group
  • Designed and facilitated a capacity-building programme for women digital entrepreneurs for the United Nations.  

Candace holds an MBA from Essec Business School, has been trained in coaching and workshop facilitation at Stanford University and is certified in Mindful Leadership. Her coaching activities earned her the 2017 McKinsey Next Generation Women Leaders Award. Her work has been featured in media outlets such as Forbes, CNN, Le Monde, RFI and TV5, among others.  

Candace likes to describe her professional journey as a rags-to-riches Career Fairy Tale. She now teaches others professionals in limiting or challenging stages of their careers, to make the most of their strengths and passions in a practical, atypical and transformative course. 

You don't have to operate below your potential anymore

Whether you are dealing with a decreasing motivation, a toxic work environment, glass ceilings, a return from maternity leave, lower self-confidence, lack of clarity about what to do next, this workshop will help you to:

  • Take your power back by (re-) connecting you to your sense of purpose
  • Increase your self-confidence by understanding the strengths and interests you should focus on
  • Express your potential at its best to create a more meaningful career
  • Figure out the type of work that will make you shine and succeed effortlessly
  • Have a clear vision of what to do next to bring more fulfilment to your career without having to quit your job …if you don’t want to

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Start Here

    • Welcome!

    • 0. Introduction

    • Your Workbook, Where The Magic Happens!

  • 2

    1. Clarity

    • 1. Clarity: Remember What You Are Really Meant For

  • 3

    2. Confidence

    • 2. Confidence: Realize How Valuable You Already Are

  • 4

    3. Connection

    • 3. Connection: Re-create Your Ideal Career Move

  • 5

    4. Commitment

    • 4. Commitment: Create Space for Opportunities and Transformation

    • 4. Commitment: Creating Space for Opportunities and Transformation

  • 6


    • In a Nutshell

Take action

Overcome your limitations, figure out to know what to do next and finally thrive through your work !